1967-10-28 H v Tow Law Town FA Cup 4QR (Image 2)
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WESTERN APPROACH REGENT SERVICE STATION WESTERN APPROACH PETROLS SOUTH SHIELDS REPAIRS , SALES , SERVICE CAR HIRE , ACCESSORIES GREEN SHIELD STAMPS NORTHBOURNE GARAGE Ltd. ALBERT ROAD , JARROW Phone 898391 Your Hillman , Humber , Sunbeam and Commer Dealer Vauxhall and Bedford Dealer Always a Large Stock of Selected Guaranteed Used Cars On the Spot H.P. and Ins . Ford SELWOOD - OF COURSE ! SELWOOD GARAGES LTD . MAIN FORD DEALERS DURHAM SHEET METAL WORKS LTD . General sheet metal work , Arc Welding , Brazing , Oxy acetylene welding , Woven wire specialists , Ventilation , Argon arc welding , Dust extraction . WAPPING ST , SOUTH SHIELDS Telephone 3558 LAYGATE Phone : 2227/8 HELP YOUR FOOTBALL TEAM BY BEING AN AGENT FOR OUR FOOTBALL TICKETS Apply : Association Offices , Simonside Hall . HARTON Phone : 62271/2 SOUTH SHIELDS WEARSIDE MOTORBODIES LTD . Maxwell Street , South Shields Telephone : South Shields 2045 MOTOR BODY REPAIR SPECIALISTS Panel Beaters Coach Painters and Sprayers FOR A REAL BARGAIN SEE .. J. R. GOUGH 87 IMEARY STREET , SOUTH SHIELDS RECORD PLAYERS , RADIOS , TAPE RECORDERS RADIOGRAMS and TELEVISIONS BOUGHT , SOLD and EXCHANGED HEARN BROS . 410 So. Eldon Street , So. Shields Your LOCAL COMMISSION AGENTS Tel : 2814 and 62920 South Shields wameamnd DIRECTOR'S NOTES Today our Mariners versus Tow Law at Simonside Hall , let us give both teams a great welcome as they step on to the turf . FOR ALL At Hull City last Saturday our team received a standing ovation for their great display . Afterwards in the dressing room it was obvious how pleased the players were with this well deserved praise . This is the nectar that stimulates athletes to supreme performances . We are sure that with your vocal support willing them on , they will not disappoint you . - South Shields directors thank one and all for support at the turnstiles , and with our bingo tickets . This is the year for building up our resources for next season , and with your help it can be done it will be done . Raymond Wilson MEN'S WEAR REQUIREMENTS CHRIS . B. WATSON LTD . SOUTH SHIELDS Tel . 2092 —— AND JARROW FOR BEST RESULTS VAUANALL - BEDFORD DEALERS Adams & Gibbon Tel . 897558 IMEARY STREET , SO . SHIELDS Telephone 60121 Newcastle Sunderland Durham Hexham and Morpeth T. L. & M. W. FORD TE ( Commission Agents ) QUINN MOTORS Motor Engineers WILSON STREET , SOUTH SHIELDS Telephone South Shields 5881 New and Used Car Sales Engine Reconditioning Accident Repairs Breakdown Service , Tyres & Batteries - - DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS SWANNS BAKERIES FOR PIES AND PASTIES Tel : So. Shields 61982 , 4672 and 3086 40 / 40a BROUGHTON ROAD 10a STATION ROAD , SOUTH SHIELDS 316 SOUTH PALMERSTON ST . |