Team Photo 1970-71
Image details
St 3.53 564 14 3.20 04 Kaupph Kusu w READY for South Shields ' third season in the Northern Premier League are - Back row ( left to right ) : Bob McLeod , Gerry Coyne , Malcolm Leask , Bert Garrow , Tony Britt , Albert Storey , Ray Finnigan , Ron Leman . Front row ( left to right ) : Jimmy Potter , lan Lanarch , Billy Elliott , Dave Adams , Geoff Carr . Player - manager Bobby Elwell is in the foreground . p , and alth o finish or T. some peo but really act that we t be remer I and Erron t Commite e can make d to do so onths ' tim goodwill ds in the M the agents has been g e , their int like to con r SOUTH is always Agents disc KNOW ? or officiatin gland at out er players ecall ? |