Newspaper Clippings - Loose - Volume 1 - page 25
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: U ů **** step . 50 . . I the hi work . And VII W .. valy Jagung 31-01 He count nu ! raj The stewels did ... te ta ies 10 e test ut pr . fi , lat up ' a repeiter .. they KINK . *** . bottel . di AD ari upa A TAU SOU TI SRILLOS ARROW at in picadid style wien the time for the kick off atroci . and the ne ali to and the spacious ground waS worth runa ing way to see . There were and tesei . sti The doubers ' strike at Hartleponi base spate buing the held of pity when the Jarrow piavers trooped on to been settle 1. The area ate to rese three ie beid , felniediately by the home pene avauce per day , and they agree to clad in het matoop and They aromah ao wacthei * further the visitors being cialin white i dugejtarepence could be paid . Itis makes her and bine pauts JW Melnterh the wages 6 6i per day . was of the Steid tea and tibson , of - p Acad .: place at centre At 535 Mr ilen : Smith , ceon , wh .. te urif SOUTH SHIELDS BIRTHS AND esteat indicated bis willingness to com etce , andiul capping thands An nounced the age to the field of Ald 11. Mal wi shock han is with the retize The Waver 1. À f Hr that te vas dep . Wilciens ODLL 13 at de cated at be : A ... la bat wt at that he ir , to seine sease . All vui he na Leke up the chalcoge 4. Wa bail AN AUSGA ! tarth rate of 504. The numit of derAl trecorded during the sarde perial was 51 . number equivalent to an annual death Twenty obe deaths cute ! 1,5 dlartiate ymotic death stelthe They sayo psation estimated to Jane per , SAL , 187 ) . 10:31 Its Vaunted Prosperity . which ani although the pas : Cassdy , Gall was rightly genoffie . Jarrow at ence tetslisted and tiood , hild was prenent for a ciet shot which how ever was above the relation mark and a Lal Ankretaitet The visto . sepi p BY AS OCCASIONAL CORRESPONDANI . ] " It works many changes . route for x cantes , tas te surprising how success is use a military and it is 1 d TERRIBLE FALL AT CONSETT . A clear of commerce . 111 , e of the hume deteuce , of wao . Win and bayley were in capital form parase - is placed hors de combut . But - to Shields transferrel toe venue for a uttle the subject of this nouce The tona ani On Saturday a balersash namesi Johnwane , but tuosons pass to Juruer was port of Bath bas for some ten er iweise Witsom , 39 , whue employed on the top of tratie . Jurrun HOW A grand years been boomed as an important place the bastu : uncts at Camt sicul was . True , great improvements be Fax ! faultly have takes place in the harbour since the exerating sure repa..icit ol . A disintet pch sen pressed by Bayieyinception of the Board of Commissioners , of sewly fees , guting on a sand LX . Usce tur . te the uteris inen pressed to and the facilities for shipping have been dy , terribly sted SULIĆ diect , and all ex diugly reatty excaded . Aili Alist . b . could not pa hard line with a shot under great the trade or business in the town has , Cadou the way to the trmar ! di.ticalties Willan ais came in for however , much deprecated since the days orari , wao inved in Prospect for apps for 16 txautiful centre , wh : ca of the seveaines At that time , tradesmen CAVUS A RACION even Jurpey headed to one of the goal were doing a fair good busiem ; bet what JAITOW were awarded a toul of the aspect wo - day : There are twenty - one Marpay , which was of danger . Hutusmess places without wuants . In some still the stor pris et hard , and livet u , the supe , a iarge and profitable trade chand made huis mark with capital centre , was formeris carried on . In ewply shops as the result of a faulty kick by Wilso . The are as follows : - Two in Freebold Street ; MEN - HAorth Shields . danger was a cried , bowever . and then two ju Quay Road ; one lacing the Brewery ; PLANILES , FILM wea bal another spelf four in Sussex Street ; four in Market en natuida .. Joan Dale , , and J of pressing . liail losing a good chance by Street ; one in Northumberland Street ; two divis 1.fil . setu coated with delaying is abo A sou , bf . brilliant facing the Customs 1louse ; one in Eldon INCAS dacii pisy pat the home goal in danger , Sirees ; and tour ta Blagdon Street . subastece . Daiey vapaied to the beach and bere leck wade a grand save right in the be and his culpadio are pail of the corner of the goni , for which he was As A W ... About 21. audi roundly chected . The Jarrow linesinan * faliacied the money and Were cane in for a hostice demonstration for Here ed The Police Courts . the botue 64 The majority of those shops are situated in what may be termed the heart of the town , and are within a radias of abou . 500 yards of the shipping , which is supposed to give such ... dat . Mir Woon and custo nga inue bail to his own side , which a tus to the general trade of the town . Stetra binself put out into toucn . Jarrow Bridge Street and the streets foliowing 16 Bois . --At Noriu Shielas red a goali through . McDonald , a cieverly towards the Quayside wére at one time the i David Spence All Juhu ..CU weget point , or which the JAFTOW tan chief thervagulares , but now , alas , owing to enarged with being found witsous proper hat L.inseri considerably . Dide strvets having been appropriated for Chict Con - table maus said Jarrewagau got the apper hand by sterling business of the site genctuly . Fie bine tatus of the boys was going a purposes . thoroughtare ¡ y , and ot.ce more Wilson was responsible diverted , the trathe in the old thoroaghiaros and verp , wero №rtet : o ap : i neit Hitler wi : a ck which let in Dale , and the ei is last becoming a thing of the past . Fancs , twenty one shops being closed in a smaali town ke Blyth : lake each of these shops A : a modera rectal , and it shows a great oas to the various property owners . .1 dear and the joone to look l'ark Vuls ruan sacceeded in getting into a ten ile ad lor A remand to close quarters , at his pass forward was the chavie timnt prode a rome for them - canst putting landsay olisije . Shields the reland was granted . now made a severe raid on the Jarrow god , and only the greatest watchininess on the liowen can any reasonable person part of Jarrows zearguard prevented the maintain that Blyth - is - in x ' prosperous condition ? The fact of the matter is , that 4 Kleat stumbling the ciisting state of aftairs has been largely rearguard brough : abuat by tag the defendant lat , casptan Melira a set a very bad example to statistics , renaung to the large exportation the publication of men by constantly questioning Mret coals from the port , leading outsiders to dutch s decisions arst himself . Shielas the belle : that this caused a corresponding deranges , and into a mica Artic and Turner gol in ancrease in the general trade of goal . in and occid to be a luat the Shielis London ; Ebarakin , Pomaron via Dart ARRIVALS , Sept. 2 - Scandia , Messina , : mouth ; Elesora Mail , Hotterdam ; Ivy , Dandee ; Walfsend , Hambarg ; Penara , Therese , Rouen ; Bonbear , London . Middlesbrough . 3. - Ashingtoa , Hamburg : Agenoria , Hambary ; Dagmar , Rousa . SALLISUS , Sept. 2 - Daa , Bothal , Cron stadt ; Bromsyrove Plymouth ; Stat , tine , Rotterdam . Aallsund ; Bayard , Christiania ; Constan mande ; Eberstein , St. Petersburg . 3. - Jersey moor , Swine THE WEAR the de ... wasted tv shot wish Casily kicard out and d . tue could not be so , as Blyth werp ; Jupiter , Gudle ; Evelyn , Rotterdam ; ARRIVALS , Sept 2 - Malpas . Belle , Ant always has relied , and , as a matter of fact , John Haya , Longnewton . London ; Hero a : the prowni day rely large teat oa ( new ) , Iyne ; Albert Edward , Gothenburg ; the collieries Dispatch , Inverness ; Waltz , neighbourhood , Bremen Sandsend , Rochester ; Abbotsford , Allos ; pupalation employed there.l'omoaa . Nairn ; Sarprise , Stockton ; Dry 1 ' . Dielf sexde : te and the town . W after receiv Jarrow Jon At the Sou fom one of a .. on . side . retarne the compliment be getting bear very the goal h , but l'a , icy and the :: the watch . and averet the mag the mus : be plain to anyone that Blyth rolies Most cutrei , apon its coal trade and not upon its shipping . L , than thirty years ago , the shipping trade at sth was doubles a great factor in its prosperity , but the circumstancesáre entirely Mlyth pusseed its own little fleet of ling eis , the owners and the crews all lived different Den A : Tur Sum to comutunt suicide . thaea Cuen , ... M. Wils pui it a cales cuared on a watani will inge 25 years , and tax The pic ... n : daer altta Pie at very rar handske e cilteries away , and what becurues den . Boear Bridge . 3 - Ganhild , Dunkirk ; that can ca 1Lutsia , ing the ding the trick . tly misan by inche of the saipp.02 I be answer is perfectly Ben More , Stonehaven ; Elizabeth , Lossie - 2 pr . d . 1 1 e re e hoe men pre - se . turnera I were would be none . gesuch che quarters as to col Manson , Grangemouth ; Cleados Acacia Therefore it moath ; Ella , Dankirk ; Cattersty , Leith ;; inde with tay . and one of the Jarrus Aberdeen ; Gastaf , Malmo : Harold , Ohio , ocks Actaalkeepet , contrary to ale just as the tall was goin , mut the net . I be don ; Sberburn , Hambarg ; Sussex Maid ,. Rotterdam ; Holywell . Wearmouth , Lon referes awarded a penalty kion , which was Newbaren ; Lyons , Rochester . 4. - Aire taken by Marphy . and to the disappoint ment of the croad , the usually sale Murphy Lowestoft : dale , Abchurch ; Oporto . med the goal alteber . The visitors Devonshire , London . were again agters .. , and Forster brought Shoreham ; SAILINOR , Sept. 2 - Charles P. Knight , Beck to bis kuch with a raiping shot , which Loipain . In the town ; the stores were all obtained Stettin ; the Shickis goalkooper naved in brilliant at the port ; and , in fact , the whole of the Feabam , Aarhaus ; Bambargh , Sperzie : Lady Beatrix , stie , and got the ball away fut abtner , busiem necessary to the sailing vessels Wallands , Margate ; Lanoy , Southampton ; Hamburg Spray . Aberdeen ; which was upproducune . Furd was winded was kept within the place . But now the General Havelock , John Ray , London ; baily for a Minute or twu , but resumed . The game quietened down con large whole position is quite alterod . teamnet which Kabinbtein , Baltimore ; Eastern Belle waderably bereab sute . Mantoe just ved and take Yarmouth ; Secunda , Memel ; Cicerone , his goal by giving a corner . The bowe do not belong to the port , their owners and Hambarg ; anay its coala Palmouth ; Dauelma . Rocbester ; Annie , men go : sat going again , and Murphs rave their crews are all strangers , the stores are Hermes , Trellebory ; John Ray , London Gall a good chance , which the latter player obtained from the lyne , or even from some 3 - Langles , Amstordam ; Nora , Narra ; Gamekeoper , _Weymouth ; considerably improved on , but Turner was remote port in the kingdom where the Eros , rightly adjudgod odside when he got posacs owners Tade . Practically little money is Bilbao ; Ring.Malmo ; Lord Clyde , William , St. Petersburg : Helen finden . were sahich in the late , by of a quantity of metal , the sion and attempted to beat Cassidy . Another speat in town by the crews , and therefore Banff ; Snowdrop , WAS put to nought tae mere fac : of these large vessels trading Ipswich . Findochty ; I woman as ovidence to the edect that by Mudros , and just as Forster shot hard to lily th dous lattle or nothing towards shesh the prisoners lift the metal oa and high the whistlr blow for half - time . et their att..ais , id throw in cart standing opposite one's macue store ought to be mentioned that Shields bad k tbe present shipping arrangements may It increasing its general basiness . Indeed , with the sexan and teren , aud I be prawcator said the two men bruaght the services of Wilson , their full back , for rather be said to militate against the orgun ke taong the metal into the store to sell it fifteen minates before half - time , Wilson general trade than otherwise , and one Mr Wuso . Es Southree sguised it as his own property and then going lame . Half - time score : med it from the cart entsidel'he police reason in support of this view is that a large I asked for a remand abich was granted . portion of the shipaswat of coat is done at the new shipping staithes at the north side of the upper reaches of the river . crows , to get to their vesels , therefore The w Jacksouwd w dispun Matun spe to unding Jakkyote haway hea . the fit uit with a threa : cui le conseged in to the hospital . Dt at would be fallen qon seul scated that the masa had teen addicted bet dranking heavily , and though the wound hai vale i wa ut yo sale io set hum as The Bench committed the accused for arial at the Darasu A The the 1 -4men COLDE to port Owsan TISING TO SELL BIOLEX I'ROPERTY TO ITS At South Saields , James Bora and Joseph wussa were charged with KHILA that the property of Gov. Bone , marine store r'lown , T at these places What are sa ve d wea oa the y to c wango au Iri the ile .. base of Letion . ul . Darged with being drunk and / of Wilson . Hauds against Mollos gave to the north end of the town , and in many his Worship for his great kindnesa in pro McCrann . disorderly and further with assauiting Cariera place kick , which bo beautifully pstancos never reach that part of Blyth The oficer sat thas on Satar placed and Williamson jast unased with #hich was always considered to be the viding the most briliant spectacle and great ORTED CONCESSION TO A COLLIEX'S CREW . business part of the town . masical treat in our Marine Parks on Wednesday and Thursday last . A sight never before witnessed in the North of England , and an event never to be forgotten . to day ngat he saw the pusoner Agbung weh krand shot . Jarrow now secred a second strik . began in tale tnis morning of the ma , whereupon Le turned upon Beck with a good shot . Shields here woke the Manor might use his influence another mau . Witades peded tae do : eadaut Sol very eauly , the home backs mualling the ball and Lindsay , with great coolness , bost mischief has been done . It is diincalt to suggest a remedy . The Bat , the Lord of At True Des the oucers of witness Litu struck him several times . They onare Aceping a sin . lock out onclusal together , and witnes biew bis histie Murphy beat Cassidy with a rasping shot which would be the means of drawing time to start a town's subscription ( open to up and the " welkin ' rung again when establish A recognised weekly market , Also to saggost this as a most opportune of mong is with the for asistance . The defendant , hower and when , a moment after , froin a corner people to the town , and so increasing its every ratepayer and inhabitant , where s bringing them oa : f : higuer taie .. coat naed to straggle violently and ama - bed sa.era of ibe haats be . the chain whica held witness's waistic . Ile kick Gibson made the scores eqaal the business ; or , even something might be penny shall be as welcome as a & for to the steamer Cameuna culai a : kicked him about the legs and ultiustely cheering was loud and lous Another corner done to atliee the magnificent was awarded Shields , and Marphy created extending from the new busin or dock to in a public hall , to perpetuate the term of beach baving his portrait painted in oils and bung julers of the Seamten s Union at roars of laaghter in attempung to score Souton Suice , with the view of attracting have had in South Shields , and a tribute of Dun , and statel : ha : the owners the defendant was lokal ap . I'risoner office of one of the most popalar mayors we with his hands Jarrow now had * Ridley Son , and I aliy ; badated cared the charge of a mail : and called a Aviators to the town as a watering place . turn , and a foul off Bayley helped thom higher rate , namel ,. 35s & neck . auss named Ane Ryan , who said the The incorporation of the town and a more than the ship should be detained . defeudant never asauliod the officer . She a little , bat Beck oasily picked up and ethcient water supply might advance its kindness . daw the whole alfa.c , and the officer ban te punied out , Odsade against Williamson commercial - was practically at a stand still at There are nop with enthusinem . - Yours , etc .. ath Saields Shipping Oce this the prisoner very roughly , but he did not spoiled a goal and midhold play prevailed doabt abandant and natural facilition relaunale . This was the defendant's 13th mul Moisor made a grand ran for Jarrow . to the enterprising " for the extension of ng off , and there were Do ships to appearance , and he was committed to prison Landsay forcing a corner of Bariey which iron shipbuilding a Blyth , and sagineering another thicer came os assualance , and respect to his great urbanity and universal Hoping to see this scheme taken ADMIRER * Only one shipa papers were in came to nothing . We noticed that for one month . Popular Pastimes . Wilson works any was carried out of the dressing 100m into a bansom and on inquiry we learn his knee was twisted . Shielis scored another goal throach Marphy after Cassidy had repelled a good shot irom Boggie . The home mea were now playing in great form and kept the exctiement at pitch . Jarrow now had a turn at preming . Molloy On Saterday afternoon the last two races TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION . and Lindsay being particularly prominent . A SAILING . SOUTH SHIELDS MODEL YACHT CLUR of the season took place on the lake in the Adel hele : ni ada :. at walar van star . at make a stand in the north 44 ' the resplattou reog put to the meet . of the action of the Unioa , *** Diy Ose voted against Wo . 15 , a : d ne vimired hat the curge st bis ca tie wonid rather be a man to te was for . than a Tuan : The meetin ; tas.cupon cun . adott 1 :: sax 2015n granic . " We ate RVIEW WITH MR WILSON . de of the mecie at iyne Mit 7.443 it asic to say that in his option LUXXE mote unaous r ed to s'aud out . And the * G * the stere is the marity of au tattoe Aneha Iner Fermi .. CI . A so : de to tới h atur in and Sat ne the i er til act.ston to turn est Tey by the tra .. 30 i . A. 1.walde to aage tue buDE jat jent , but it re be what would happen in citam wers tvad to the ting from Carti . Neap rt GRESS OF THE STRIKE . Mul Dam was thronged with seamen cinen , si.d at a mass meeting a . 10. Mr Wilson , a resolution was I unashmously condemning the ir Christoph turness hat thosrand gtuncay to the tanei M Free Church Twentirth Contury oud .. of the shipowners in refusing to conference , and expressing them . letermined to go on with the strike . THE DOCKERS ' STRIKE AT BARTLEPOOL SEITLED . DEATHS . The member of birthe registered in the bet aurg the week ending Septenter 2nd wasta ) , correspo Chiu . راه اما ... شاه ... ۱۰۰۰ د . مدل doc - ........... WASA : i w been vand 11.4 LSAR . -At North Sanciou saturday , W. Biasey , a tatoure :. ena 1.2 k . … .. … .. … . ܝ ܐ ܐ ، ، ܐ ، Dry Hulb Wet Muld 3 M I. capion ! it was atten AL SAVAGE ATTACK ON A l'OLIVAHAN.A South Stulis , tus Jeffess , you way of the aud just , particular METEOROLOGICAL REPORT . Meath Department . Monday , Sex & , 1 * . Barouseler currected & sea levet i eg F .. 363 I hve murpeters ( Saade Teasp 85 50 3 Nama during past 24 hours . 6 / Muh A I mied A Stanley rel :::: الهلال U SPEEN HEAD , SSE , light breeze , sky quite clear , sea smooth LIVARPOOL , SSW , light breeze , sky balf clouded , sea smooth HOLTREAD , S3W , gentle breeze , sky Sids and great enthuna wasaroused THE TOWN AND PORT OF PARUNTOWN , SE , light air , aky entirely quarter clouded , sea smooth Quercast was the all went ott Williamson who cleverly dated Fi and put in a grand male by Murphy . BLYTH . Lovnsonoten , ESE , light air , sky quite clear ♥ was diven YARMOUTH , S , gentle breeze , sky quite clear , se slightly disturbed OORD , SSE , light air , sky three - quarters clouded MILFORD HAVEX , SSE , moderate breeze ROCHAS POINT , SW , moderate breeze , sky sky quite clear , sea moderate three - quarters cloaded , sea moderate VALENTIA , S.fresh breeze , aky three - quarterf cloaded , sea derate LONDOS , SSE , light air , aky quite clear DOVER SSE , gentle breeza , sky quarter clanded , sea smooth PORTLAND BILL , SSE , moderate breeze , sky SCILLY , S. gentle breeze , aky half cloaded , quite clear , sea slightly disturbed sea very smooth WAS Jarrow ..... So. Shields The game was re - commenced a : 4:20 . Shicids playing Hope , of Craghead , in place ** vật ho I us , however , avaried his side bat hitte for the homesters came to the WIND & WEATHER REPORT . The alluin and aan . At this juncture the came wa wopped in consequence of a hington player being burt . After restarting Athletic attacked with rouewel vigout , aud abut after shot panded 10120 the goal - mouth of their opponents , but the defence of Lynn was admirable , and try as they might the home tu u could not break through . be centre forward next sent in a rasping shot , but Lynn avain proved himseit equal to the occasion . Auteule were wow playug for all they were worih . and anded by a strong wind . t.ey oade things pretty warm for their opponents Kingstons defence . however , was splendid , and they were un able to equalise . Final score. Kingston ... A : htic -11 .2 1 مله الحمد انار METRONOLOGICAL OFFICE , LONDON MONDAY , 11-35am . STORXOWwAT , S , moderate breeze , rain fall ing , sea moderate Nars , calm , sky three - quarters aloaded , sea dead caim LartH . SSW , light air , sky entirely over cast . and Non SEIELDS , SSW , light breeze , skv entirely overcast , sea smooth DONAGHADLA , S. gentle breeze , sky entirely overcast , sea slightly disturbed BELYULLAT , S , moderate breeze , sky ball clouded Marine Engineers ' Examinations . ful candidates at the matino engineers ' The following is a list of the success examinations beld at North Shields during the week : -Frederiek 8toddart , lat ciner Arthar Coates , Alexander Still , Wm . Ander son , and J. Smith , 2nd class . VESSELS IN GRAVING DOCK BUT POST : .4 DET DOCKS , LETREis Columbas , Arthar . BLYTH SHIPBUILDING CO's PORKS . Galf of Guinea . LOCAL MOVEMENTS . Gloxinia pamsed Gibraltar for Bombay 2nd ARRIVALS AND SAILINES . BLYTH Editor's Letter . Box . TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SHIELDS GALETTE " ] THE SOUTH SHIELDS FETE . the inhabitants of our county borough to Sr - Would yoa kindly allow me a little space to voice the unanimous gratitade of Maplemere , steamer , Montreal for Liver pool , saya a Quebec telegram , struck lightly near Batiscan , and is reported making water . She bea proceeded . Belle of Arvos , British bargea , lades with geano , was betally lost at Maje says a Callao telegram . All om saved and landed at Hacho .. A |