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Newspaper Clippings - Loose - Volume 1 - page 31

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to the fact that was was e pen lion in the district . Newcastle and Sunder land being away on Cup - tie , business , one paturally expected more than the average crowd . Those who remained loyal to their Cub had the satisfaction of getting full value for their money , and they saw their teain register quite an inspiring victory . I hope Phat the facts which I was able to divulge exclusively in the . " Shields Daily Gazette " on Thursday , will have the immediate effect
stimulating interest in the local club , for , believe me , the position is serious , and in Fite of the rigid eronomy that is being exer ised the directors are finding it increasingly difficult to carry on . Unless their supporters Tally round them , the Seasiders ' prospects of improving their status in the League will quickly fade away ..
It would inflict irreparable damage to the game in South Shields and the surround . ng district , if the time ever came when the club ceased its operations at Horsley Hill . This must be prevented at all costs . The adimission of South Shields to the Second Division in 1919 , was the fulfilment of the hopes and aspirations of many years , and the result of much labour and self - sacrifice on the part of the local pioneers , and I am convinced that had it not been for the long period of trade depression which has so seriously affected the " gates . " the club would have been enjoying the prosperity and popularity that it deserves . But professional clubs cannot be run successfully without adequate financial backing and South Shields dropped into the Third Division because the management could not afford to strengthen the obvious weak spots in the team , nor would their financial position allow them to resist the offers that were made for players who had been the back bone of the side . At a minimum of cost , these gaps had to be filled and in spite of occasional lapses and mistakes , which , after all , are only human , I am satisfied that they have made a good job
of it .
I never could understand why South Shields people have not supported their own club , for it is perfectly obvious that unless the revenue is more than sufficient for the management to pay its way , advancement is out of the question . If there is a damand for better - class football in the town why don't the followers of the game assist their club to supply that want ? It is impossible to run a Third Division organisation on a 4.000 or 5.000 " gate " and in a town with over 100,000 inhabitants , surrounded by & populous area well served by travelling facilities , there is not the slightest reason why that figure should not be more than doubled . If such a measure of support could be assured all their troubles would soon be ended . The club has reached the most critical stage of its career and what the future holds in store for it depends entirely upon its supporters - actual and so - called . What is wanted now is a spontaneous revival of enthusiasm , born of a determination to spurn the team on to victorious achievement . But whether they win or loose , let them have the wholehearted and consistent support of the South Shields football frater nity . He is a poor sport " who supports only a winning team .
of the position and declared that with their present support it would be impossible to Bo now you know carry on indefinitely . how matters land , and you also know the remedy for the club's predicament :
Passing to a more pleasant subject , I noted
with satisfaction the marked improvement in the Beasiders performance against Tran mere Rovers . It was difficult to believe that this was practically the same team that fared so disastrously at Southport the previous although the ground conditions were just week . It was a very business - like side , and about as bad as they could be , there was some really interesting football and no lack of thrills . There was more sting in the attack than there has been for some time , and while there were occasional blunders at close quarters , due chiefly to the difficulty of ball control , the forwards were keen opportunists . The intermediate men gave a very sound display , their breaking up tactics being par ticularly effective . They were up against a nippy set of forwards who wasted several easy chances through poor finishing .
I have dealt with this topic at some length because of its urgency and impor . tance and the widespread interest that has been aroused , and here let me disclaim any intention on my part to create a scare .
Is Kennedy going to solve the leadership problem ? So fat , ne has fully justified his reinstatement and he retained his position for the match this afternoon . Generally well supported by his colleagues , he was quick to exploit his openings and he led the line with good judgment and enterprise . The fact that he was responsible for two of the four goals scored is proof of his finish . ing ability . On a hard ground he would probably have been seen to greater advan tage ,. Tommy Matthewson gave one of his brightest displays of the season and he brought his total goal - erop up to half - a dozen by scoring two clever goals . Steven son's return undoubtedly strengthened the attack and he and Matthewson constituted a ver veffective right wing pártflership It was from this quarter that most of the best move
ments emanuated .
Shevlin gave a splendid display of cus todianship and he brought off several plucky clearances , particularly in the when the visitors were second half making strenuous attempts to reduce the lead . The backs were not very happy on but the treacherous muddy ground , although mistakes under such conditions were inevitable , they put in some useful
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