Newspaper Clippings - Loose - Volume 1 - page 37
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... to be whe KONKU , WILL Town , a broken les ad toid with its one Athletic . Notes . no one Victorious . Mr Karl B. Spargia was case i times , wo ! our tixtures . truo 1:40 brs compliment the miles of trekking seder Lord Methoen , of wh he speaks most highly parposes a transcript it : le over 300 pares , in l Spurgin kept during that making any preletons that tastoil . luck . " Rives a and doings of the Nortbamberle the author says in his a pressing 4 Ace ; ny , which it th de las per has felt the cond of the courage and steady pladding against containing the men striking th was draec op to be pailage desirable to justly any poin ,, casi w more surply than anyboly ele , and heavy olds on the part of the otherals of the shalt with sach fores w to ajettaient pictorial record for that be ought to be the brst to hind made conveniently artty . Tae eupacion is Itaperial Mag ; collection of theiretet . the club . It is as follows : - We hare were thrown out in all di There is more in favour of this that the buses were run at a loss is con leading nedents pastyl through the fitth season of man , named Robert Marley , programme . reduction of the income tax than either Alhance football in South Shields , and and the others lesen in sudurable . The private com ; auks cond The honet duas especiaity to have the interent justice of 1 or the favour- the last bas been the worst of the lot . injared . Joba Joans of T a leg ; only make up their loss on this part of pictures of the state procession leaving the reard of Sir Michael Hicks Beach . We began the season in great bopo and atace , means in we considered Le trathe by trusting to other port the crowning of a dward , and off the known fact that Mr Chamberlain is our team a good one and our players where there was no Such competition , the Naval at spiliad . strongly opposed to an abadonnent of capital fellows It was a big order to course , jot 26 is open to say that statement ressed as to the arrange Corn Tax , the post ng in with tackle United A at Newcastle in our first 15 15 40 ovidencu of pocytents for the Crusainus boares shows the scheme of Imperialelerentaal tariffs engagement , and the result was Gr of mismanagement 3 that vat of a ton of 5 in England , which he has sei bus mind . PAGA disastrous to ourselvex .. Class View aloe La - hi sui tumberland have theat inevitablo may to L'o and tale , feed other items and say that ths by and Forkshire t Strauce ! exertaken to rovale 15. We several bunding Leaguo players agafust On Active Service with the us we taggi badiy . Matters improved , tand and barham Yeomancy itself is a Tusing concern . But it you to say..cksäure . which borover , when we went to Pradhoo in Methuen , South Africa , 19 run a series of cars in competition with reganis 44 by coauty , beads the The week's play in first - class cricket the same week an1 returned home the raiopayers and also at a luss it is a Eighst ist with res . Somershire has revealed nothing starthing , unless it B. Spargia ( Walter Sects Pub After beating Kingston double breach of principle and of poucy . comia do with 47. Walesi Newcastle Vilia og the following Wednesday , bow . Aed it you have to confess that it w bave is , a Sextapd jest doubie to the surprising defeat of the Lancar ever , we tell upon evil days , and not unansat Brainall Lane , The ground that com : -1 , waist Ir - ial but so far izalure you condemn yourself . until four months had clapsed dad our North - country men , who t suited the Yorkshire bowler Knodes to tam notch another victory . out one . in all probability , It was a active service when the But the ball penny buses are only however , was in the will be extended deserved even more wickets than be got . a acety , and be town splendidly and Praise period for Everybody and bruke out , and seat to the small part of the whole . The process of Wales was thirty - five , Lu : Lancasaire were outplayed both banding the club was more than once small wonder that the question of dis - Erss cetachment of the are toid , bave fallen upon those engagedvestenby She is the daughter of Mary with the bat and the ball on land and Durbam ) Imp a towlers in tramcar and omsibus uangement . Auclare , Dachess of Tot , a cousin of wicket considered . Thanks , however , to the February 19 Notwithstanding that , though Vize aint was married to the Mr Maciareas return to the captalocy The secret of the strai , it is said , hes Duke of York on Jui , 5th , 1333 generosity of one or two of our oticials regimens daring the who month's of acine servie we weathered the storm and finished of Mastof bis county was signaled by such s in the increase of electric railways , and of our readers will remember Low Lou- diaster he , Our thanks are due to this is a cause that will abide It is one don blesed out into " .11 . ' and all was sportsman , those players who stuck by us through the of the things that are not here today of congratutubory messages ou Yorkshire professionals on their distinction I would place on record good and evil report ; without making and away In 17 the one and the meeting between Middlesex and their whole - hearted service and genuine to - morrow . It will grow Duchess of York ved incid , whero Somerset was wound up by some exciting eiluris to break the long sequence of bad moro potent week by work . The Southliber cet with an enthustuste reception , play , in which & 31. J. Wods came out London trams have now to compete with and isst year they and a rouuri oi visits a veritable bera Sotnerset on gomg in au electric railway that runs from the to many of our Coloss ! s was 09 a evad time was no less thau 313 runs city to Claphala Common . It does to the part of Australia a log - standing to the bud . Mr Jolly , the treasurer , pointed out The two l'alarets and that the total income record of the maschine Cleant , was £ 178 - about lavitation Braund fell early victims to tueaty minutes what a traincar dues in Albert formed by the 14th came in № , which had to be declined Troit , and £ 10 less than the previous season . The on account of the temporary disposition wickets for 121 runs , wisen Woods came there are one or two accounts still out - read with interest by the score stood at four expenditare equailed the income , and Africa The story i Yeomanry sader Loc of the i'nness . in le stol up as unmovable as a standing , principally for rates and on country of ours The oyster , bke the pheasant , bas long sphynx , and yet scored freely . Gradually account of the old club . Mr Jolly's of the local y com been regarded not only as the cich man's the gap was closing , but runs were stul remarks about the support given to the with tempera woul , but is in sciate it out the indutin : when the last man cams 1a . club were very pertinent , and the paty anxiety during the was undead , that- of the All oyster bois long Woals cleverly manrared so as to of it is that so lew were there to bears in anything bet jago pesed into the bands of the monop jengage the whole of the bowhug , and different that possibie ist , who is able to keep up the proo by spare Cranbeld's wicket In this he was danger to delicato people . The beated artatiety hmwing the supedy . That , at novoily succeful , and finally when pedestrian who ioares the blazing street any rate , is the popularnica Now , it the winning sko cano from bs bat treasurer wero rogroiully accepted , and The resignations of the secretary and and enters one of the electrie tats is sud , oyster het are to be the subject the crowd chored him right lustly . until further pouce Mr J. S. Kosou , which apt to sutter a chili , and the comfortable ensure our activities of of allotments , a name sugve of the Woods has never done anythrag finer tori Church Way , will act as secretary . working men . This count ; although he has first and Jona rregrettable incalcats which warmth of the electric carriage in winter The foreshore of the Wash will be li inast done yoomaa servid Sanith , vue of the club's bestiargely is the earlier history wilea saddenly exchanged for the trost portions by the Board of Trade , in ailot friends , expressed a desire to meet Again and agaie we learn or coufer with any gentlemer who are otheea's dispositions for per or stush ur biting winds of ments of not more than byer to each Tacmouth weat dosa rather badly wilbo , to buip to keep the club alive for Wet or captarlog some other As there are trends of acres on Saturday winter or spring is a preparation for Northumberland Dext 9ERSON . It was of Foreshore stable for its culture , and Count ; eleven at Jesmond . not considered were readered fatile by the fa a chill But these are drawbacks which as the versamong the most probtic and F. G. H. Clayton were responsible meeting will be called in the course of a Lowings advisable to elect oficial but abosber single otheer to implicitly obey or to realise the vita the traveller in good health can sapot ali creatures , we may yet live to see for a remarkably clever towing perform - j week or two to reconsider the position daty of closing some one partic of his discharging the possibly his fingers at . He has had a la chasses make amends for the bread ; ance . In about three - quarters of an of the club and its future prospects . The the ring fence the comeson and bitter experience onane sul ; turoust . bour , and with only three deliveries ! pisyers good on for next season are structing round the Boers Underground . The cletric tubes nave ! The A tells this capital story of an short of 10 overs , they had disposed of Hatchard , goalkeeper : W. Thompson , which is frequently brought absorbent at the tiaries Tastrol the whole of the Typemouth side for the C. Thews and J. Gear , backs : J. W. not apparently with direct inte come to stay . They are more expedi- the other morning . 21 Disage co very disappointing total of 24 t : ous ; more comfortable than other modes over the telephone to this et : " Lowings Woolner , W. Konnio and Jas Jietuire , bumanity and consideration Tell jin eight overs captured tive wickets for hail - backs ; Edward Cook , Wm . Davrou , which were displayed by our of pubire travel . They appear to be ourcher I want two calls for to sight , live russ , winis the other hvo were J. W. Burn , Jos Carrie , Wan Scaife , and volunteer slike . Los the hands of men who know what they and it be des not allow me to pay he secured by Clayton for 14 rana . Tomhu , W. Johnson , H. Clarks and T. MeVay , everywhere spoken of three saat hare a porage : The box once the Tynemouth pro , are about , and with one memorable cirk soulod loodly an't wanted to know form , and gavo a performance far inferior exception , in Liverpool , they have who the gentleman was . " Franes , ito ay to bas hitherto give this seaso ... hitherto had a good record in the matter Prince of Tock , came be repiy . The His record was a " duck and ono wicket of accidents . clerk sanied louder still , and called up at a cost of 58 runs . However , the best The Tramways Committee of thoj Mir Leveaux , sing , Tero is a gentie- of us jall away at times , and Tomhais nan calling himself the reo of Teckoridently no Lotion Coquty Council are thus ince to asking tur seats , and say that unis next timo Harry : Hutton took six of the exception . Better luck iace with a new situation . Their traffic jane pays for then Mr Bourthier won't but wesets at a big cost , and before the returns are diminishing by leaps and fake a pr . " Vi cours . ostigation County men wore all dismissed they had bounds Last year for the week coding proved that it was the frince Teck , compiled a total of 162 Clayton , ther burat e tu bilo u tee to as tead to town the 17th of May their focurpls wood ben supistastory so " Tell your clerk that every scorer , with 53 ruas to his credit replied , In the same week this year wird ne has said has been heard by most un w , asx l'alais . In where cale their receipts had failen to £ 7,491 , A very and overs Loss of the royal family ! at the rate of over £ 900 a week . This over an hour , and it does it with greater comiost on most days of the year . in summer it is a cooler ride ; in winter n warmer . Tho tube 25 compared open aur : t 1 sach keen cuid culuvate 15 - SU ther 19 a yes it contains an abendins Burring adventures , of hairs Incidentally , too , it thrones of deeds of deringde , of cool t noble , thoach probably ancona apon the causes 3 .: LIODS , was sadly out of torwards . . ja terms of the seems to have been by the yeomen who NCT Mr Spargin makes no ment throughout the book , bes Lient Saville Clayton that the anthor bore his sigbling , and won bis motica while in the full honour " at the Northam and the Durham County , C ( BEUTEN'S TELEGRAY ) Yeomaptys given at the conc Pozis , Monday . work which is certainly well 1 M - Prajem Convicct , the mail - known the all bo desire to know ba painter , died this afternova . the North toagal and butt M. Constant was born in l'aris , in 1945 - ing those long months on t Be stadied at the Ecole des eaux Arts and MR PETE CURRAY AT crois KERR'S KERR'S Clayton Sir . ki , Nele also ! Burtow Ful , ed Fowler str Suth S KARR'S Grom W. This has the KERR'S the world , and will tra KERR'S is 61 per te . Tusc.410 . KERR'S on Itald to be to made to loves KERR'Sdne in was das . KERK'S - Arrangements are now going rapidly There was a splendul gate at Ash Note Addres NEBBURN COLLIERT KERR'S SSTRALI , DOLIM SHIZLI Attendance eBoy Thursday irwa I am nil 7 aa " Le LA KERK'S KERR'S KERR'S THE MINERS DIVIDED KERR'S W. TINN , 2 BURROW STRETT OFF Forear they are working more mileage , and forwary for the great citizens meeting brooke og saturday , when stove under Mutabanet use of the most because the gross receipts do not thus show then the Queen's Hall to protest against thousand Tolk assembled to watch the pacters of the modera French school , his whole amount of deterioration . the Education Dil The unity of the match between the homestors and South / cest known pictures Their MIO < - Samson Liberal party in hostility to this measure Shields The game was worthy of the Delish . " iisrem , and weekly receipts are £ 234 per mile as is to have a piquant and suggestive patronage , for it was genuinely exciting . Vengeance da Cherif , " abi.c his portrait c against £ 35 . Any diminution that bas already been and the teams kopt neck to nock , the Cartu Vievona attracted great atteution at that Losi Rosebery is result teipg in doubt almost to the last year liural Academy the : p and chair , that Luish in a manner that is seldom wit the principal cricket . is to to Mrimessel in peaker What has not bither be Sunderland men came o victory ty anan - the inte . Stog eet the jeight runs . Bh batting and Holding ERR'S BEECHAM'S PILLS there may be in expense by the abandou - announced KERR'S KERR'S KERK'S ment of the half - penny buses will not go : o far in equalising matters . Now , any of men , whether managers ¡ vate tramways or members of a Cor FRR'S " 1 vit IN . DS . CR " iting , ' Τ . NS . CTIVE LES PLIED . HE SAME of the dra Company L w urderes . St. Catala Londoa ..ysuier . Lattle - Date Hour Wed May 23. 1 . don . Now we say Agth ouniry Ma . May i JOntston . Dubou Sat. Ma Rotterier , Wher day . Returrang Tron Fre TrLin Wharf , L. We endays and Saturdays . Awerp , bi ) , 11ac 2. Falay , Huttenda , airday Fa : Ls ( 1 d.g Stewardi ) Lorong 1 and thres inonths , return , 12 . werp iptterdaw . Ngle , and 1 > 1 . month round and 15. 51 ; and re ; inouts , returns Cuildren tust von 3 adi hall faisa .. particulars vitu tot freigh , and free mi of the Casvalys Nuathly itativa copy appucation L IMPORTANT ADVICE Before arag te dof the Danial Protesioa aix the people where to go and have then , RECOMMENDATION OF THE MANT they are the best Don't go by one or two will , or ad.wiserneuts Have the 9advice and experience of at least a weer in If you act accordlag to the above asce you inte BAVE FOULAIN ESULIN PLAIN L DESAPPOINTMLNI . Observe the LAHUA LAP and so that you co into the nga doot . UVAR A QUARIAK OF A CENTURY AT THE SAMF AUDREY ROULET WHITFIELD , S.C. 25 King Street , Quayside , Secre OD TEETH AT ALL PRICES . MR RICHARD ELLIOT , SURGEON DENTIST , successor to and to : 25 years wanker with MR D. POWELL , SURGEON DENTIST , NUN STREST ( Cerit Caywa Street ) NEWCALDILE May be personally coemultoal overy week day from 10 to UFC CONSULTATION FREE UP WITH THE LARK is a pleasant little tiction to dream of in the merry the way , and yo are ateriated to risk the arving chill , be sa.e to fortify yours with a cup of ROKE , s deles TEA Il pusseses rarest fragran 2.000.000 prudent people drink is daily . 30.01 up toalite d Full weight , fall quality . Fail range of prites : -1,2 , 14. 15 16 , 4 , 4 , 2,5 per ib . When you ask for Brook , ROND'S TEA set the Autograph and listed Trade Mark are el every Juny Disci BROOKE , BOND'S TEL . OLD - ESTABLISHED FIRM HIGH CLASS ARTIFICIAL TEETH PAINLESS EXTRACTIONS REPRACTICE of the Late Mra TINN , Sargass Dentist 25 Save Fiut . Nuncassion was by carried on by lus augu suncussiss THE PRA AIR W. TINN , CURE BILIS and NKVOS DISORDERS CONSTIPATION , NCK HEADACHE INDICESTION , DYSFESIA , And a s10NACH THULE 15 - 18 VARUL BEATH OF M. CONSTANT . A GREAT FRENCH ARTIST . 4 CAM ' ce . Caiton According to custom , the for the day . THE NORTHERN YEOLARY ● Eventually the ADVENTURE WITH ADDERS . meeting in the Misers ' Ha Last night , Mr Pets Carrer Coliery , as the Laboar caada representatio l'arliamentary This bobe idea , for whi foundation the Cabinot ( in a requireme a decisive a take the re That expired Kild bo pornt W shem pected the ably ment , to k extra incons It is point imposts w vide for the of tighting , proposed 1 may Dobi paiga . A meeti semmoned with consi reply despatch to above , com Council The Dat from Ireland and all the puted , be p as fired for will be cond meeting in There is of an auth permitted t ment is in C ABBORDCOMP PEACE Mr Sedde bold a reco Replying be telt sure THE TA A sh . 645 71 NEGG MAD The Africa of it necessar bardly bas traction |