Newspaper Clippings - Loose - Volume 1 - page 39
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11 . 2111 agnum .. ! d.test of : ne that after Ang ailtue of revenu P . : . ܫܝܐܐ .. ܐܡܝܢ ܠܝ DEAR SUGAR . 14.02 the Satul proers 1l 1 , to full temple - id . general vel ail : De jeune ut i per alati :: ..... and 1 a . Monday hell the pric .......... .. .. . Police News ه ها اح ۔ The adau.c 1 port , to * } Iou . ' ' to 16. 11 ... tant F ... 1 D.STI . 4 geti , d's at lyve : for ringa b Penei . S Mil AT .. ... ... : ... ...... : ۱۰ ه in ( 1 \\ *** .. * 100 Denton ' Ai 01 . 1 . Ane by Mr 100 .... i NATH ... ... Oul 71 WHITLAY - Yester day . 1 .... t'i l'et : Sesions , :: ! . ، voorge , l'ulle : P Haram ( 19 ) , Jonaten and Norman Ewen 19 % , all tue and had carucda Hay Bay were summoned for a vidi on Aug 30th 50 packets : crearetes . to buses of chocolate , and S de valued at £ 1 9s , flor rogerty of George Preston . Percy Hard I was uned in count of his bring in ill scalin . and the others were ordered to racle Laree strukes eain with the 1 er weic dea.t uttered by the RAY . a : Margit . i . Res . M.A. Of Yorkshire 4 Cl . ihen 2ave the c The presedings were wded over by the Jobu Jetterson . f . Lis 8 1 William Johnson Connolly , bookmaker , Liverpool , was charged at Doncaster vesterday with welshing . It was proved that Chris Armitage , butcher , Blaker's Hill Barnsley , backed Rack Sand with the prisoner for the Leger , laying 50s 20s , and whilst on the stand he saw him and bis clerk walk away , and followed them , abd feend them changing their Apparel He asked for his money , and received a bang in the riba , the clerk ' threatened to hit him on the jaw . Du ........ ale on the tecture Sehebeld , who had been watching ucuds of the the proceedings , corroborated . Prisoner before at Doncaster , he was committed to pleaded guilty , and having been convicted prison for two month WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY . 1989 The ear : that part of the f Sin Shields Cive , hew and chief among whoms ir ( a King , one of the club touchers , to revive the ohi entbusasun and replenish the empi coffers , is likely to a . A ... 1 .. The match between | 10 ut the not ) . Mand of the preval the Hsiey Had neider abie pablic of wire.ems telegraphy was accomplished 1.1 Late is expected on in the Lacania , of the Canard Line , which van will be found the mailed from Leverpool on August Zand with al players , the Signor Marcons on board . The intention as to use the high power station at Cape Breton for securing current information to the ship on every day of the vorace ; and , The most astonishing leat yet recorded ! names of everal of the 1.110 , waw . wal : the best dat club Sant Le es mories of istence . Ove Kirby played for the mit yours ago . AR An who will set 141 matter tour des fact , this interation was substantially carried out Long detailed messag were received from Cape Breton the were continal daily until the arrival of wcued day out , after leaving land , and the ship at New York signal station .. Practically everything of high import ance that occurred during FOOTBALL TO MORROWS MATCHES . [ Int ... .nd 4 A ) M RUGBY WELSHER SENT TO PRISON . ۲۱ ۸۰۰۱۰۱۰۰۰۰۰ 4 - ram was against fyne Dock if you by avel and try to ther played Fasteiff at Whilley . Mr Rulert Cowan . 1 , making his for the sub on that The team will be butograpued of the pianistand at hall time To ) Meal will be planned up Views is the only reative of the id team : harnese . In the evening the will to a huge amuler in to . Vaiora Hall , to musical arrange ments having been made by Mr F. H li : ockbanks and Air Thos Smith . The Mayor will presude . IDE Y.M. team are requested to meet at Mr Homby's otce , Chapter How , a : right to night Wesive who signalised their opening of the stawa by a splendid victory over Pockchil inaugurate tbe bume season to morrow with a maten ainst Durham City for League points . It is many seasons stace Wesive commenced so well , and their prospects were so bright . The victory last week wil stimulate them to put their best fut forward to morrow , ai sitboaru they have a bi lask before Lieta they are fully endent of victory . Toe kici od is fed for 3.15 . Westve 11 journey to Blaydon by the SUNDERLAND . Burneck , 180 , Caen , J. Hadsos & Co. Heracles . 1,033 , Constantinople , Anderson , Horan , & Co. Consci , 473 , St Nazaire , Lambton Collierica , Lid Lambton Douglas , 446 , St. Malo , Collieries Ltd. Diamington , 225 , Trouville , C. Wilkinson Konigsberg , 583 , Stettin , W. Brandt . Emanuel , 217 , Tonsberg , A , Ivecs & Ca Kingston Villa will make a start with their bume inatches to morrow . The itors will be Rybove Filla , and the PASSED FLANBOROUGH Friday , 9am Passed south : Baroa Selborne . Strong NW gale , showery , a rough . WIND AND WEATHER . Ak for new Bug ANTOLOI , and ALLIGED ASSAULT WITH A POLIE.- At T : cut . Ter Jariva sesterday , W. Fisier , au elierly 1.34 traie eniers . stail , WADA .. with an acarava hamile heinaa on us wife . Dorothy fro - tei , on the To 23 . plaan said she had been work should red to defendant for four years prospects of seeing a hard game should ( Swedish ) , Swiftsare , and f . Barry . Passed north : Masarted Gord , Denis er uaity | Daning that time he had frequently ill bring up their supporters in big numbers . with ailes und her On the end ult . be struck ber The president , Mr J. G. Winskill , has co on for the oathe head with the joker , with the sented to kick ad un tus occasion , the for a small resul : that ane bied a great deal . He had time neng bied at 3 15 . : coportal , often ruck her with the poker , An interestur uxture will take place had on several excanues tomorrow at Whitley l'ark , when Rock te ner place to win the streets at mugh . in be : night cliff will engace Northern in a Northum METEOROLOGICAL KEPORT , SOUTH SHIELDS dre - Delepuaut said that at the tign : berland Durham Coanty League Friday , 9am the motion , reterred to he quarrelled with his wite match . A large attendance of spectators Barometer corrected to sea level pusi ) red and be haithe joker in his hand at the is expected , as the came is looked up Hoodings of fotoarelogical 32 deg Fahr Lime . He might have stru : hhis wile with unusual interest . Noribera , who with the poker , but it he drl , it was won the Northumberland senior cup last Bouys , and analisia . -Complaiuan : mul taal un , have truagil logelber a pretty ATIDE could tr . , two withere to beat u het formidable deam , and their first meeting question of statement and the case was ajourant with Rockchild in the present as A unul Mulay fo : the attendance of the bound to arvuse some excitement Beth Des Walker ) eves clube will place strong representations in the beld , and par excepinimally sumert par should be witnessed . A start will be made at i 15 O THE NA Instruments at No. Marine Part Thermometers ( de Temp . ) Dry Balb .... Wet Balb ... Maximum during Minimum LO either continent , and which the operators . thought worth recording , was kw almost instantaneously on board this steamer croming the Atlantic . Late Shipping . ENTERED OUTWARDS . 665 440 . ..502 ..034 uity ty cht WAS £ 700 , 3 PRIDE CLIFF F. XORTHERN . and POR CAUS THE Stuas - Yesterday , at Jarrow , Elieu Badger , a moddie age an was charged will diting a youn woman named Isabella Carr , ou . Sumtay Rock clud . -R Findlay , T Simpson , J es at North : - Complainant said that on Sunday veicu.fant , child struck witness child on Routledge . J Harris , W Story , K J NETESSBOLOSSSAL UTICE LA Jucev , C Thumas , J Bambroagh , T Find the bra , making it bleed . While witacas by Tnair ! PHIMY , 1 was washing her child's head defendantlar , A Smith , R Smith , J Bolam , A Kew LACESSARY STORNOWAY , Ngentle breese , aky es of threa I can mong tue lane au comurenced to ney R Tarner , and I Hamblin call her bad names . This she luliowel up WASTOR V. DE XHAM CITY . uvercant , so slightly dietarbo lighthouses DART would striking her in the face . Wil Westoe - Henderson . I Geales , WABERDEES , WNW , fresh bree quarter cloaded , sea smooth te ber boust , Smith , WClorer . H M Coulson , J John and defendant followed her . Imarde willess's boase defendant again W Cras . M Hall , I Hopper ( cap . La WBW , bight brees , struct , ber and pulled her by the hair . - lain ) , I Pinkney , P Fitz , W Newby , W lights does Foar witnesses were heard in support of Hoggett , 1 ) Allen , and Rev. Buchanaa . NORTH SELBS , NW , reatie breers , sky both cases . SUN clouded bjectiua thal deep water SUCTH SHIELDS T.T.M. ' South Shrelds - W Garr , R Thompson , disturbed d , however , complainant's story , and they agreed in saying that the complainant had to throw C of either a jail of water over defendant to get ber edy this below of the be W Hector ( captain ) , JE Crosbie , Dryden , DONAGRADER , NW , gentle breee , sky downl dond RB Owe TOwen A PeaL SY LOWERY Mean Temperate Rainfalla bachon Average rate of wisd ( in miles ) , per bour durier p : 24 hours 200 Remarks - NW , me , light bresse . |