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As Wanderer See It - 25 August 1923 - Fixture List 1923 - 1924 - page 7

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SATURDAY , veTOBER 27TH , 1923
The Fall of South Shields at Homerton . Seasiders ' Weak Spot . Willie Walker's . Hundredth Consecutive Game .
South Shiels had a bad time at Homerton , been a valuable asset to , the Seasiders since langhek But there is nothing to be de he made his first appearance in their ranks pressed about . and although it is never a on October 25th , 1919. Few custodians in plemant experience to sacrifice points either the country have displayed such splendid at home or away , defeat was bound to come consistency of forn . Prior to this after sooner or later . I did not expect tue Sea . noon he had never once heen bealen at siders to win , but I was not prepared for quite Horaley Hill in eight consecutive home such a decisive reverse . Clapton Orient were matches while the Orient and Fulham were , nut rogarded as a particularly strong side , the only teams that had succeeded in scor- " and while it was generally anticipated that ing more than one goal against him this the Northermers would have their work out season . Walker , who is a native of Gos out to stave off defeat on their opponents ' forth , and carries on business at Keighley , ground the prevailing opinion seemed to formerly played for Leeds City and he was be that there would be very little in it either transferred to South Shields when that way . That was certainly my view , and hav- alub was disbanded in 1921. He plays ing regard to the Shieldsmen's brilliant crioket as well as he plays footbali , and dur . record I did not think there was much likeli ing the past season the turned out for the hood of the Orient getting more than one Notts courty team ... past Wilhe Walker . It so happened that in one half of the game they scored nearly as many goals as the Seasiders had had regis . tared against them in the previous ten matche There is some consolation to be derived from the fact that the result greatly flattered the victors . But it must not occur again . VALUE OF TEAM WORK .
state of affairs when cordis : relations exist It is an indication of a very satisfactory between directors and plaer , and I am glad to find the he atmosphere Hors . ley Hill has been distinctly favourable . Footballere , after all , are only aan and although professional players indulge in the It was not a gentle game and several of amo as a means of livelihood , ley possess , the South Smells players have been suffer . instincts of the sportsman , and speaking for equally with the amateurs , al tie finer ing from the effects of minor injuries ever the South Shields players I can truly say since . Hetherington was so badly " crocked " that they always " play the game . " I wel . that he was not for duty this afternoon , come the efforts that are to be made this , and for the first time in seven weeks it was winter to cement the friendship between necessary to make a change in the teain . directors and players by the promotion of The Seasiders have been wonderfully fortu . social gatherings a which supporters of the nate in their immunity from injuries , and club will also have an opportunity of meet . their spocess has heen largely due to their ing together under congenial conditions as ability to field the same side week after well as getting into closer touch with the weck . After tlie pinyers 1 : ave been together players themselves . The first of so long and achieved such excellent results , gathering , which is being organised on a a change in the position might make all the large scale , is to be held in the King's Hall in 1.0 inatter now effi . on 7th , cient the substita te might be . Individuailty the form of a smrckin concert . The players , is a valuable acquisition , but style and co - will be the guests the directors and chair operation are equally important . and , there man of the club ( Mr E. E. Douglas ) will pre fore , an alteration in the consitution of side . the attack involves n certain amount of risk . Whils far balow their usual form the South Shields forwards were not the weakest part of the tearn , and with crdinary luck they pould have had at least one goal to their crodit . I hope they have taken ample re venge this afternoon .
FOOTBALL IN AMERICA . We do not hear a great deal about football in America but the game has gained con siderable popularity and many strong teams are now operatips in the States . It is not surprising to find that included in their ranks are men who have played the game in the old country , and one of these is Edward Tate , of South Shields , who has made a big The most disappointing department of the who is 22 years of age , learnt his football in reputation with the Fall River Club .. Tate , team was the intermediate line . The Orient the same " nusery as Warney " Cress have to exceptionally clever wing meu , well - Stanhope Road School - heing a mem . very fast und accurate in their finishing ber of the school team and work , one of whom is Williams , the inter- international . He emigrated to Canada and a schoolboy national outside - right , and never at any played for the Waterford . Nova Scotia . team , Teriod of the game dil the South Shields winning his international wing haien zet the proper measure of their Canadian English contests . can " in the opponents , and Williams was the life and ceisted the Beloil Club in Montreal and He afterwards soul of the Clapton attack , and whenever about a year ago he was secured by Fall they circumvented Hinl and Hutchinson , River , a prominent club in the States . Tate which was not infrequently , there was is a blacksmith to trade , and at the close of trouble for the Sonth Shields defenders . To the football season he will return to Canada . make matters in fuitely worse , Ridley and Powerfully built , he stands six feet in height Crown failed to do themselves justice , and and he is regarded as one of the finest full conseguetly Walker was faced with some backs in the countris many South probatione But the Orient inside Shield friends will be delighted to hear of forwarde wery poor markamen , and it was his success . not until the game was more than half over that they managed to successfully exploit an opening . One of the goals was scored while the Shields defenders were making an abortive . appen ! for offside . and I trust that this will be lesson to them not to allow their attention to be diverted under any much ofscumstances .
ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS . Inquisitive . " - Crown's first game for the
South Shields Leagueam was against ; Barnsley on March 31 , 1923 . " T.P.H " -The last match of the season was with Fulham at Horsley Hill . Shields won hy two clear goals . " S.T . " - Oldham Athletic , ; Bury , U. North Stand . " - ( 1 ) The reduction only applica to the reserved stand . ( 2 ) The charge of 1s for admission to the ground . is the minimum and the , club has no power , to reduce it .
Willis Walker , the Shieldsmen's clever custodian , has established a record for the chub by turnir out in 100 consecutive League games . He has hot missed a match wince April 16th , 1921 , which surely is an achievement worthy of note . Walker has