Newspaper Clippings - 1923 -1924 Season - Volume 01 - page 36
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FOOTBALL . GAZETTEY SATURDAY , sept 1st , 1923 AS WANDERER " SEES IT . South Shields Make a Promising Start : Defenders " in the Limelight " : Seasiders Profitable Week - end . success very Those hyperoritical and ssimistio people goal as the result of a smart dribble through . who have been predicting all sors of cal- The Shieldsmen owed their amitous happenings at Horaley Hill this finishing work being much more convincing largely to their keen opportunism , their season must have sustained something of a than that of their opponents . Had they dis hock when the result of the Fulham match played the same form against Blackpool at came through on Saturday night . Admittedly Horsley Hill on Monday night , the result would have been more decisive . the Shieldumen's victory was one of the big surprises of the afternoon , but the fact remains that they deserved i and their achievement was all the more creditable in view of the difficulties under which they were labouring . With a weakened af arranged eam they won through by heer grit and determination and although there was very lite in it at the finish owing to a doubtful penalty : awarded against Hutchin . son when the Seasiders were leading 1 they had the immense satisfaction of taking both points in their first . " awaymach of the season . It was an excellent start . " SHIELDSMEN'S DILEMMA . The troubles of the South Shields manage ment began in the train during the journey to London . Hutchinson and Hird became ill and on arriving at the hotel they were ordered to bed . Their condition on Saturday morning : was considerably worse and the doctor , who was called in , discovered that Hirde tem perature had risen to 102 , while Hutchinson's was up to 100 : The position was somewhat desperate , for Hetherington was the only nserve : travelling with the team and there was no time to secure another substitute . The club was liable to a heavy penalty if it failed to put a full team into the field and Manager Tinn was filled with the task of finding another man to sten into the breach if necessary . It was , therefore resolved that the only way out of the dilemma was to register George Lillycrop , who , of course , accom panied the team as trainer . This was done , but after all the necessary formalities had been completed , Hutchinson , although still obviously unfit ; insisted upon turning - out , and so Lillycron , doubtless to his great relief , was granted a reprieve ! 1 Tery effecture sty quarters and the Northerners were handicapped through the shaky condition of Hutchinson . Jack Smith plaved a useful game in his new role of half back . RIVAL SEASIDERS . Although , as I have indicated , the Shielda . men did not quite come up to the standard ment , there was not a great deal to com expected of them in their first home engage plain about , and I'verture to predict that the teams than can take two poials from Blackpool this season will be soua ed anong the strongest in the Division . Black pool have an exceptionally strong side , and as they are making a bold bid for promotion they are not likely to prove easy victions . here is n gainsaying the fact that Sonth Shields were too strong for their sensine rivals , and that is saying a great deal . Black : pool , by the way . have yet to take their first point at Horsley Hill . The Shieldsmen are due at the West Coast resort on Monday . aiternoon for the return engagement , and they will be quite satisfied with a division of the " spoils on that nocasion . A VIRILE ATTACK . The new winginen Bolam and Brown made a very favourable impression . Always enter . prising raiders thev middled the hall wish fine precision and they did not look in vain for encouragement and support from " Ernie " Simms . The South Shields leader has seldom played better football and he kent his forwards working together in splendid harmony , eventually paving the way to victory by contributing a delightful re FINE DEFENSIVE WORK . Of the game itself much has already been written and there is very little that I can ENCOURAGEMENT . Players and directors alike must have been highly gratified at the enthusiastic send - off acorded to the leam . on Monday night . Everybody was in the best of humours and I hope this happy state of A gate of over 9,000 for an evening match affairs will continue throughout the season . certainly #portends an encouraging amount of support , and having gard to the promising manner . in which the Shieldsinen have commenced operations , I think they are justified in anticipating one of the most successful add . Every hàn rose to the occasion splen - well to realise at this stage , however , that a seasons in the club's history . It is just as didly and a feature of a memorable game team . cannot always be on the winning side , was the magnificent work of the respective defences . Willis Walker . fresh from the cricket field , gave a remarkably clever dis . play while the backs Ridley and Crown haye reldom played better . It was fortunate for the Shieldsmen that the defenders were an their best hehaviour for the Fulham for erds v and whether losing or winning , adequate support is essential to the wellbeing of the club . 7 MAITLAND'S SUCCESSOR . In the game with Blackpool Ridley and Walker , after having an idle time for three Crown were again outstanding workem , while ; parts of the encounter , saved his side on numerous occasions during the most critical period of the contest . I don't think there is going to se much the matter with the South Shields defence this season and I have no doubt Alf . Maitland ; who was at the match on Monday night , has formned the same opinion . He tells me that he is quite com wrenchen Teosside , although it was a big fortable sever with South Shields after such long and pleasant associations . THE DIRECTORATE . to fill up the vacancies in the Board of I understand that it has been decided not Directors at the present time , and the present directorate , Messrs . E E Douglass . A Malaugh , will therefore carry on . I ' need hardly say that they are depending upon the followers of the club for loyal ration and support . Congratulations to Mr Douglass on his election as chairman of directors ! ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS . " Sunderland Supporter " -I cannot give you the information you ask for . " High Shields " - ( 1 ) South Shields defeated Blackpool at Blackpool on February 21st , 1920 , by 3-0 and in the return game at Horsley Hill they won hy 6-0 . ( 2 ) Four of the goals in the match at South Shields were obtained by Lillycrop . " WANDERER . " |