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Gazette Cartoon - 20 October 1923 - page 13

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The Wednesday appear to be one of those teams which find the atmosphere of the North - East coast congenial , for they have never suffered a single reverse in four ne . gagements at Horsley , Hill . South Shields had a great chance to break the spell last Saturday , but after securing the lead within a minute of the start they proceeded to throw away all manner of opportunities in whole . sale fashion , and in the end the inevitable happened , and a valuable home point was Jost . Seldom have the Seasidery given a more reckless display of marksindaship . A really promising opening was followed by steady deterioration in the subsequent slages of the encounter and play degenerated into a scrappy , featureless exhibition in which effective team work was conspicuous by its absence . Sustained efforts on the part of the forward line as a whole were occurrence , while to make matters worse a very rare there was very little to merit individual commendation .
Tale of Lost Chances . How South Shields Sacrificed a Valuable Home Point . Forward Deficiencies .
SAZRITE . 1924
THE CLAIMS OF HETHERINGTON . Thompson , who made his first appearance with the League team this seastu , is a much better man than he was a year ago and he
5TH ,
Davison , who , by the way , is a Gateshead man , and well know hereabouts , was
not employed as much as he ought to have beeen under the circumstances , but in all that he did there was the hall mark of efficiency . I am bound to say that I Shields defence . Kotson , at times , was was not quite so satisfied with the South
RIGHT WING PARTNERSHIP . Matthewson is the best . " discovery of the Sesson sefar as the Seasiders are cun . cerned , since is promotion to the Second League team be hos face noticeable pregress If only Belm wouid " take a leaf MARKSMEN WANTED . out of his book " he would make a much Perhaps the most disappointing of the control the hall , he can generally beat his better show , Matthewson knows how 10 front ling men was Bolan . They were all poor finishers , but he was worse than the supply the inside - men with man , and what is more important still , he rest , and he failed to exploit smell of centres . I think I might also add , that as accurate fuest poings of the match . Though the inside men kept him liberaly supplied they tunity arises . The rift - wing partnership of a raic , he can shoot straight when the oppor did not often hear from him , for his " mid Matthewson and Smith would be more effec cling was lamentably weak , and when occa- tive if the latter woli put his passes along sionally he went on his own his attempts toe ground instead of keeping the hall so locate the goal caused very little urcasiness much in the air . I admit that Smith's to the opposing deiece The uncasiness paves are usually well - timed , but it is ever wca or . the other side . But as I have already 30 , nuch easier to take the ball on the indicated , the ex - Darlington man was not alone in his failure at close quarters . Nope ground . of his colleagues made any impression as marksinen , and it was this long - standing fault of the Seasiders that caused them to sacrifi - e a point There was really only one Lea in it during the opening half , and it looked as if The Wednesday were going to experience their Waterloo at last , but it was not to be and soon after the interval it bend , while the res have been divided came apparent that they had " shot their Wednesday . In all these with Clapton Crient , Port Vale , and The encounters ten als have been rezistered against the visiting team being Port Vale's contribution Shichisme , the highest score recorded by a of three , goals when the forced a draw after an exciting game on New Year's Day . Cov
record In eighton games at Horsley Hill South Shiells have a fairly good home they have saorificed nine ints and won ampton , and Hull C , are the only teams twelve of the matches . Leicester City , South that have beaten the Seasiders on their own
bolt "
City A due a Horsley Hill next
distinctly weak , and Crown has better , although at certain periods of the game he was almost brilliant . Willis Walker ought to have stopped the shot that equalised the scores . He was too Jate in getting down to it , apparently owing to his being unsighted at the time .
week . MISCELLANEOUS . Middlesbroneh team this Maitland and Hick were reinstated , in the Warney " Cresswell did not get his place in afternoon , but the Sunderland League team .
if his wing partner had been more respon sive . He is a keen worker and does not spare himself in his efforts to secure possession , but he is inclined to attempt too much on his own and so far as his shooting is concerned he failed to reproduce the form that he has exhibited with the Reserves . Iwas disappointed with Guyan . His performance certainly did not justify his selection for the leadership , to the exclusion of Hetheringto and I was rather surprised that the latter was not reinstated for the return match at Sheffield today . Ia Guyan's favour , it must
pleted for the Inzham Infirmary Cup Arrangements have not yet , matches , which for the past have been confined to South Shields and . two seasons Newcastle United .
opposition at St Jars ' Park on Good Fri South " Shields . Reserves will provide the be urged , however , that he was up against day and Easter Monds , the first game being one of the cleveres : centre - halves in the country .
But be that as it may , I subrois a return North - Fastern League engarement . that the claims of Hetherington are too strong to be disregarded ...
Infirmary Cup Cormition . The Good Fri and the second . the final of the Newcastle day match - machide the championship ot the North Eastern Lane .
CONCERNING DEFENDERS . The success of The Wednesday's defen sive tactics was due in a large measure to ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS . Wilson , their brilliant international centre " Seeker . " - Vivian Woodward has plaved in half , who exercised a big influence 16 International games and 40 aunateur Inter- ! the play . His anticipation and breaking- " capped " on 48 occasions and in addition he nationals . William Meredith has up work were outstanding features of the played in two " Victer " International games . been game , while as a purveyor he invariably did the right thing . " Reserven . " The -The scorers for visitors were Shields Reserves arainst Chester - le - Street South also admirably served by their defenders , last week were Hetherington and Parker .. Williams and Bhenkinsop . Custodian 3 " WANDERER . "