Gazette Cartoon - 20 October 1923 - page 4
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SHIELD 5 FOOTBALL . SAZEITR ) SATURDAY , DECEMBER 158 , 1923 . AS WANDERER SEES IT . FH 1:11 1.14 South Shields Fighting for Promotion How they are Likely To be Handicapped . Busy Times Ahead . Unless they have received an unexpected , check the sternoon , South Shields have excellent prospects of mishing the first half of the season in a position that will entitle them ao regard themselves as being still definitely in the running for promo tion . Prior to their visit to Leicester they had secured points out of a possible 30 , which is highly satisfactory percentage and indicating of consistently good form . They have a splendid home record , having sacrificed only one point at Horsley Hill while on the ground of their opponents they have only suffered three . reverses their conquerors being Barnsley , Clapton Orient , and Oldham . And the remarkable thing about it is that they are having what promises to be the best season in their career in spite of the fact that they have made very few additions to their ranka But the men they have are deliver ing the goods 124 35 • players were to be relegated to the injured list at the same time and in view of the strenuous encounters in which the Seasiders will be engaged within the next few weeks , this is by no means an improbable eventu ality . Up to now they have been exceedingly fortunate in this respect . The point , is , how long is their luck going to hold . HEAVY PROGRAMMES . Some idea of the severity of the est to which the Shieldsmen will be subjected in the immediate fur ure will be gathered from the stond League team havontre engage fact the January 12th mens to fulfil including an English Cup tie and during the , time they will journey to Southampton , Hanley and Leeds while the Reserve team have a similar number of matches . They are drawn against Esh Winning at home in the Durham Senior Cup competition on December 22nd , but as the senior eleven will be playing Southampion at Horsley Hill on that day the cup tie will have to be transferred to Esh Winning . This unfor unate clashing of dates is to be regretted but it cannot be obviated . It will be seen , therefore , hat both teams have an exceptionally busy time in store for them and it would seem that their staying powers are going to be tried to the u most . ; A CLEVER WING MAN There was not much the matter with the Seavidere last week , and in many respecte it was an unusually attractive game . Stockport were a fairly well balanced side and when in the later stages of the contest they began to make their presenbe felt , the Shield found the opposing attack , capable of doing a lot of damage . Only once were they allowed CONCERNING THE DEFENCE . to break through , however , and much credit South Shields are particularly fortunate in is due to the South Shields defenders for the the possession of a trio of reliable and soundness of their work during a critical resourceful defenders . Both Ridley and period of the game . The County wingmen , Crown have made tremendous strides since Edgley and Critchley were two of the most they threw in their lot with the Seasiders outstanding , workers of the afternoon , the and in my opinion their individual and latter being responsible for numerous de - cocerted work will bear favourable com . lightful touchline raids in which he dis- narisons with any pair of backs in the . played accurate judgment and efficiency in Second Division . Differing widely in style his finishing efforts . I was greatly impressed and method they fit in most effectively in by Parker'a exhibition on the South Shields their general scheme of defence and they left wing . Although this was only his have the satisfaction of knowing that they second outing in League football he played have behind them a custodian who is never with the confidence of a veteran .. He never disposed to give very much away . In the spares himself in his attempts to get through game with Stockport last week Crown was and he had the additional advantage of the best defender on the field and the thing being a peliable marksman . His inclusion that has struck me most , about his recent in the team has greatly strengthened the exhibitions has been the fact that he has now gained that confidence that is essential to a succesful back and which he rather lacked last season . attack SO LOST CHANCES . Stockpors were beaten by the superior mid - field tactics of the South Shields for AN INVITATION TO SIMMS . wards backed up by an effective interme South Shields have arranged to replay diate line and so completely aid the Sea- their abandoned game with Stockport County siders establish the mastery before the at Edgeley Park on Monday , December 10th , interval that at pho time it looked as if and on Saturday they will have Leicester they were going to put on half a dosen City as their opponents at Horsley Hill . goals . But they did not always shine at Neither of these engagements is likely to close quarters , and many gilt edged chances prove a picnic for the Seasiders , but they were lost through the fatal desire to make ought to get at least two of the four points sure of the goal instead of taking compara- at stake . When Leicester visited South tively simple first - time chances . On more Shields last season the local men were suc . than one occasion goals were sacrificed cessful by the odd goal in three , while in the through hesitaney in front of the posts , return match they were beaten by three clear and arratic markemanship . It is somewhat goals . I hope they have taken ample revenge strange that Hardy should have been res- this afternoon . Ernie Simms has received a pon side for the first goal of the match special invitation to play for his old club . when tsamne player scored two of the Luton Town in a match again's The thropole dtained by the Shieldsmen Arsenat - on - onday for the benefit of the against the same felt Inst season . It fell Luton trainer and the South Shields direc to the let ! fullnok to register , the tors have granted him permission to renew , Senaïdorer comand mel Inst wed . the acquaintance of his former colleagues on it |