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Gazette Cartoon - 8 September 1923 - page 2

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Foot BALL o cf.
Seasiders ' Effective Team Play . Sound in Every Department .
The Game at Old Trafford .
form .
South Shields continue to impress their followers by their splendid consistency of Their performance at Old Trafford last week , although only productive of one point , will rank with the finest achieve . ments of the season and the only cause for regret is that they did not exploit to the fullest possible advantage all their goal scoring chances . Manchester United wete quite determined to avenge their defeat of the previous week but the Seasiders were much too clever for them , and in the end they were perfectly content with a division of the points . Changes in the attack availed them nothing for the South Shields half - backs were successful spoilers and the Manchester forwards were allowed very few opportunities to trouble Walker . Beaten in speed and tactics , the home team were com pelled to devote most of their energies to defensive work , and when they were deprived of the services of Goldthorpe through injuries , they resorted to the one back game and thus imposed a considerable handicap on the Shields forwards . It would have been much better for the Shieldsmen if their opponents had been able to finish the game with the full complement of players .
In many respects the game was similar to the encounter at Horsley Hill the previous week , although I am glad to say that the keennces did not provoke the same amount of roughness and ill - feeling . Maintaining a pace throughout , both teams put forth a supreme effort to establish the mastery , and I am told that it is many a long day since so stern a contest has been witnessed on the Old Trafford ground . Une of the most prominent features of the game was the speedy and scientific movements of the outh Shields forwards and the shining light of the attack was Brown , the Seasiders ' clever left winger who gave a brilliant dis play . His sparkling touch - line raids and delightful centres caused Mew and his backs no end of trouble , and it was from one of his wonderful " midding ' , shots that Hetherington registered the Shieldsmen's only goal . The Seasiders are particularly fortunate in possessing such capable wing men as Brown , Bolam , Parker and Matthew son , all of whom have shown excellent form in every match this season . Parker distin
guished himself by accomplishing the " hat trick " against Hartlepools Reserves Horsley Hill last week , a feat that is rarely placed to the credit of a wing man .
centre - halves in the Second ' League . Hut chinson and Hird are playing better than ever , and with such a capable trio behind them the South Shields forwards are inspired with confidence to apply them . selves unreservedly to the business that concerns them inost - and that is to go for goal . Weak and undependable half - backs militate against the efficiency of the attack in inany ways , and apart from the lack of support which the forwards have a right to expect , they are handicaapped through having to divide their attention between that which is happening behind them and that which is going on in frant ... The South Shields forwards are hot plabed at this dis advantage , and consequently they are able to do themselves füll justice . May such a happy state of things long continue !
Compared with the corresponding period of last season the Seasiders have made ati fying progress in spite of the fact that in their opening matches they have been up against formidable opposition . In eight matches this season they have acquired 12 points as against 7 points for the same num ber , of games B year ago and they have placed 10 goals to their cretit compared with 6 in the first eight matches of last Prior to this afternoon they had season . only lost one match , and that by the narrow est of margins while at this time last year . they had suffered defeat on four occasions . It is interesting to recall the fact that Bury who gained a double success against the Shieldsmen last season , were the first visit ing team to win at Horsley Ilill . Will his Lory repeat itself next week /
Since his transfer to Sunderland last : season " Warney " Cresswell's career has
been followed with keen interest by suppor ! ters of the South Shields club and they were delighted to learn that the International Selection Committee had chosen him for the Professionals ' team to oppose the Ama . teurs for the Football Association Charity ; well was " capped " while playing for South Shield at Stamford Bridge on Monday . Cress Shields , and the wonder is that he has not had more honours conferred upon him . He is playing brilliantly for Sunderland this eason , and if there is a better full back in the country today I wonld like to see him . fer , and rightly so , but they have never Sunderland hail to pay dearly for his trans . regretted the transaction .
The effective team work of South Shields is largely attributable to the fact that they have been able to play the same side since September 15th and the players are work ing together in splendid harmony . Indi vidualism has its own peculiar value , but unless it . is accompanied by successful combination and a complete understanding between every department and every player it is rarely the means of winning matches . In the game at Old Trafford last week the Seasiders displayed all the essential quali ties .. Collectively they were always conyine ing ,
THE DIRECTORS ENTERTAINED , During their visit to Manchester last week the South Shields directors who accompanied the team had an experience of the hospitality which Pressmen in large centres take a delight in extending to their visitors . Un : like Newcastle and , of course , South Shields , Manchester is blessed with a homely Press Club , where in some of the few leisure hours in the daily life of the busy newspaper men are happily spent , and in use is not generally known , let it be said that Pressmen can enjoy themselves in their own way , and , if necessary , smide entertainment for their friends . The South Shields directors were the least attractive feature of the encounter . most favourably impressed with the cordial . considerably outweighted . the ' h .. +1 . Motor