Gazette Cartoon - 12 January 1924 - page 11
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SHIELDS FOOTBALL SAZRITE ! SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 23.20 , 1924 . AS WANDERER SEES IT . South Shields Jeopardise Their Chances of Promotion Hull's Lucky Day . Strenuous Times Ahead . " " South Shields will probably have cause to regret their failure to divide the " spoils " with Hull City in the match at Anlaby Road last Saturday for the result might have an Important bearing on the question of promo sion : The loss of both points has certainly jeopardised the Seasiders ' chances of pro motion and they are faced with a formidable task in the wecks to come . Hull needed the points quite as much as their opponents , buttere excedingly lucky to get them . Threatened with the dread sentence of rele . gation , the " Tigers " offered a determined res stance to the persistent efforts , of the Shieldsmen to draw level in the later stages of the game and the whole of the credit for their victory must go to their defenders . The visitors cojid do everything but score and on several occasions the Hull goal escaped by a fluke . The luck was always with the defenders and while , the South Shields forwards did not always exploit their openings . to the best advantage they were generally fairly effective in their fine ishing work . It was the " Tigers " first vic tory since Boxing Day . THE SHIELDS ATTACK . make no HOW IS THE TIME . There remain only half - a - dozen Ieague games to be played at Horeley Hill this sea son , and the opposition in these matches will Wednesday , Coventry , Bradford City and be provided y Stoke ,, Crystal Palace , The Bristol City The next few engagements will imposa a severe test upon the Seasiders , for they are due to meet Leeds United on Wed. " Potters " at home the following week . Much nesday , Stoke away next Saturday , and the depends upon the results of these three games , and they might very easily settle , the promotion problem , It is ood for the geme The directors are apparently satisfied with that interest should be maintained in this the attack for they decided to way right up to the end of the term I hope change for the return engagement at Horsley antly from their conflicts , for they might that the Shieldsmen will emerge triumph . Hill to - day . I hope they have had better never have such a chance again for many luck than last weck . Oxberry , who got his years come . chance when Greenwell sustained an injury on January 5th , has not reached last season's form , and the most disappointing feature of his performances , so far , has been his weakness in front of goal . He has had the reputation of being one of the most reliable of the South Shields marksmen , but bis recent efforts have not inspired much con fidence . He missed two excellent openings at Hull through faulty shooting . Guyan has developed into a sound leader , and he is not likely to be deposed at present . He has scored four goals in five games , which is not 4 bad record . 1 ON THE SICK LIST . Several of the South Shields players are on the sick list . Willis Walker has not yet recovered from a severe attack of lumbago , and he missed his second game this after noon . It is fortunate for the Seasiders that they have such a capable deputy custodian and Leeds United have drawn in their English Cup - tieto - day the game will have to be further pastponed to a suitable date to be agreed upon by the two olübs . If the match does not take place on Wednesday , the replayed Shipowners Cup tie between South Shields and Hartlepools United will South Shields Reserves will visit Craghead be played at Horsley Hill that afternoon . on March 5th in connection with the new castle Infirmary . Cun competition . With reference to the Leeds matoh I am asked to announce that secial concession Lickets will be available at single fare for the double the South Shirlds manager . Mr J. W. Tinn . journey and these can only be obtained from The players will leave South Shields by the 9-26 ( Sunderland ) train on Wednesday morning . INFIRMARY CUP , endeavouring to arrange suitable dates for Newcastle United and South Shields are their home - and - home engagements in con nection with the Ingham Infirmary Cup competition , but owing to the more im portant business at present yongaging the attention of First and Second League tearne nothing definite has yet been fixed ups According to the present conditions of the competition the praoçede will be devoted to the ' Ingham Infirmary and the Newcastle Royal Infirmary , and the meeting of these Tyneside rivals has always proved a big . attraction in the past .. Newcastle are the holders of the trophy . ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS . feated Sunderland in the final of the Sun " P.L. " and Others . - South Shields de derland Shipowners ' Cup competition by 1-0 1000 T. ( ... im whe naved and the |