Gazette Cartoon - 27 October 1923 - page 15
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SHIELDS5 SATURDAY FOOTBALL MAY 300 , AS " WANDERER SEES IT . Seasiders ' Record for the Seasop . Second League Changes . South Shields Reserves as Champions . GAZETTE : 1924 , South Shields Afth season in have now concluded thair Within the next few daye League football , hope to be able and all to announce the list of players retained by ungs considered , they have not had a bad the South Shields club and all I need asy LIMO . It cannot be ave made the most of their opportunities for up to the end of November , they had a chance against the world of gaining pro motion and despite the fact that in December the they lost nine , points in five games there were only three clubs in the Second Division with a better record . With the exception of their heavy defeat at Derby om Jan 19th , they displayed fairly consistent form during the next few weeks and managed to retain fourth place on the chart but two successive defeate at the hands of Hull City brought them .to the eiglith position and thereafter they remained in that neighbour hood . There is no getting away from the act that the double reverse inflicted by Hull City went a long way towards destroying their chances of promotion .. They never quite got F down over it . . Reasor in brilliant A PROMISING START . Commencing the fashion , the Seasiders headed the League until October 27th when a drawn game with Clapton Orient at Horsley Hill lost them the leadership , and incidentally , this was Wille Walker's icoth conscoutive League match . The Shieldemen owed their success up in this period , to their virile atak , and with Greenwell and Hethering tor . occupying the inside positions and Simms showing something like his form in the centre ,. it was true a combination oapsole of doing a good deal of damage . But , unfortunately , Greenwell and Hether ugton got themeelves crocked , the forier so badly that he has not appeared for the senior eleven since January 12th . which was the date of the English Cup - tie at Burnley , while Hetherington has only had five outings with the Langue teain since Decenfber 22nd . The directors apparently preferred Smith . I am oonvinded that if Eimms had not gone Away to " fresh fields and pastures new " and both Greenwell and " Hecherington had been avaliable throughout the opason , South Shields would have been accompanying Leeds United into the First Division . that this at the moment is that understand that certain League clubs are enxious to secure the services of some of the men who have been of the greatest value to Seasiders . That is a very good reason why they should remain where they are . In the necessary process of " weeding out , " I trust that the directors will make a careful and wise ohoice . That there is excellent material in the ranks of the Reserves s eloquently demonstrated by their brilliant ' record in the North Eastern League . Many of these men ought to be ready for League football next season . N.E.L. CHAMPIONS . Championship of the North Eastern . South Shields Reserves have won the League with a very fine record , and I extend to them my cordial congratulg , tions . In view of the fact that the team has been constantly changed owing to ment is all the more creditable , and the demands of , the seniors , their achieve in addition to their success in the League they have become possessors of the . New- ' castle Infirmary Cupo They have set the Second League men an excellent example in the matter of goal - getting . registered some remarkablé pcores . Their having most sensational win of the season was on Boxing Day , when they vanquished New castle Reserves by the amazing score of nine goals to none , while ori , January 12th they defeated Leadgate Park by 8-1 . On two occasions they have registered half a - dozen goals in league matches and in that the Second Leaguers did not take a five games they went " nap . " The pity is leaf out of their book . ' . 1 4 CHANGES IN THE LEAGUE . and were championship It is now definitely established that Chelsea and Middlesbrough will , descend to the Second Division next season , from a South Shields point of yfew , both these teams will provide a big attraction . Rivalry between the Seasiders and the WEAKNESS OF ATTACK . Tees - siders will be particularly keen , while the " Pensioners " ate always a big Deterioration in forward play has been draw . Chelsea and Notts Forest plainly apparent for many weeks and level on points prior to this afternoon , the numerous changes from time to time latter having a match in hand , but a have failed to reproduce the form exhi- defeat for the Foresters to - day would not bited during the earlier part of the mean relegation because they beason . Inconsistency and impotency in superior goal average . have a Portsmouth hav ront of goal , have been the chief short - ing secured the omings of the attack and there has not Southern Section of the Third Division , of the been a reliable marksman in the line are promoted to the Seconds League , and Only eleven goals have been scored since they will be companied by Wolver February 16th and on only two occasions hampton Wanderers who , by their victory during the same period have the Shields - at , Doncaster on Thursday , men registered more than one goal in . a oedence over Rochde . gained pre match . The " Wolves " It is true the Seasiders have are one of the original twelve clubs who improved upon last season's goal average , formed the Football League , the others but that does not count for vary much , being Accrington , Blackburn , Aston Villa , because a year ago they finlahed " thir Bolton . Burnley , Derby , Everton , Notte tept pee table with only County , Preston , Stoke , and West Brom 35 goals to their credit There is not wich . The wolves dropped to the much kulos in beating a record of that Second Division at the end of the season description . Excluding the fal game 1905-6 , and a year ago they were rele this afternoon South Shields had scored gated to the Northern Section of 40 goals in League matches , and these third Division . were contributed by the following ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS . players : Simmä , Hetherington , 8 : 4 Hall . The score in the F.A. Cup ! Greenwell . 7 : Guyan , 6 ; Smith , 5 : Crown , Final to which you refer 3 : Matthewson , 2 ; was : Bolton Hardy . 2 ; Rolam . Wanderers , 2 ; West Ham , . Parker , Ridley , Stannard . Thompson and A.E.L. - I am sorry I cannot give you Brown one each , and one scored by the information . an I do not keep a record opponent who put through his own goal of all friendlies . " Enclose a a stathped SIGNING ON . envelope to the club manager . Newcastle United at St. James ' Park by " Inquisitive . " Sunderland defeated nine goals to one on December 5th , 1908 . " the This is an axious time for fpotball managers and directors for with the close of the playing season comes the task of building up their , teams for another session . " WANDERER . " - |